Simulation 3, oil on canvas, 60x60 cm, 2019
Simulation 5, oil on canvas, 60x60 cm, 2019
Simulation 6, oil on canvas, 60x60 cm, 2019
Simulation 16, oil on canvas, 60x60 cm, 2019
Simulation 1, oil on canvas, 60x60 cm, 2019
Simulation 13, oil on canvas, 60x60 cm, 2019
Simulation 7, oil on canvas, 60x60 cm, 2019
Simulation 8, oil on canvas, 60x60 cm, 2019
Simulation 9, oil on canvas, 60x60 cm, 2019
Simulation 15, oil on canvas, 60x60 cm, 2019
Simulation 10, oil on canvas, 60x60 cm, 2019
Simulation 14, oil on canvas, 60x60 cm, 2019
Simulation 11, oil on canvas, 60x60 cm, 2019
Simulation 2, oil on canvas, 60x60 cm, 2019
Simulation 20, oil on canvas, 60x60 cm, 2019
Simulation 23, oil on canvas, 60x60 cm, 2020
Simulation 22, oil on canvas, 60x60 cm, 2020
Simulation 24, oil on canvas, 60x60 cm, 2020
Simulation 17, oil on canvas, 60x60 cm, 2019
Simulation 21, oil on canvas, 60x60 cm, 2020
Simulation 25, oil on canvas, 60x60 cm, 2020
Simulation 26, oil on canvas, 60x60 cm, 2020
Simulation is a set of paintings in which each painting represents a stylized head, which may evoke a robot, a cybernetic being or another unknown entity. These heads are depicted in a wide range of forms in each work, from concrete, clearly recognizable forms to abstract ones. The varying degrees of anthropomorphism raise questions about what makes a head a head, and whether we run into linguistic limitations when trying to accurately name what we see. The images may lead us to speculate whether new forms of existence may one day achieve consciousness of their own.
Simulation je soubor maleb, v němž každý obraz ztvárňuje stylizovanou hlavu, která může evokovat robota, kybernetickou bytost nebo jinou neznámou entitu. Tyto hlavy jsou v jednotlivých dílech zachyceny v širokém spektru podob — od konkrétních, jasně rozpoznatelných forem až po abstraktní. Různorodé stupně antropomorfismu vyvolávají otázky o tom, co dělá hlavu hlavou a zda nenarážíme na jazyková omezení při snaze o přesné pojmenování toho, co vidíme. Obrazy nás mohou směřovat ke spekulacím o tom, zda mohou jednoho dne nové formy existence dosáhnout vlastního vědomí.
Garage Gallery Karlin, Prague, 2019
Simulation 3, oil on canvas, 60x60 cm, 2019
Simulation 5, oil on canvas, 60x60 cm, 2019
Simulation 6, oil on canvas, 60x60 cm, 2019
Simulation 16, oil on canvas, 60x60 cm, 2019
Simulation 1, oil on canvas, 60x60 cm, 2019
Simulation 13, oil on canvas, 60x60 cm, 2019
Simulation 7, oil on canvas, 60x60 cm, 2019
Simulation 8, oil on canvas, 60x60 cm, 2019
Simulation 9, oil on canvas, 60x60 cm, 2019
Simulation 15, oil on canvas, 60x60 cm, 2019
Simulation 10, oil on canvas, 60x60 cm, 2019
Simulation 14, oil on canvas, 60x60 cm, 2019
Simulation 11, oil on canvas, 60x60 cm, 2019
Simulation 2, oil on canvas, 60x60 cm, 2019
Simulation 20, oil on canvas, 60x60 cm, 2019
Simulation 23, oil on canvas, 60x60 cm, 2020
Simulation 22, oil on canvas, 60x60 cm, 2020
Simulation 24, oil on canvas, 60x60 cm, 2020
Simulation 17, oil on canvas, 60x60 cm, 2019
Simulation 21, oil on canvas, 60x60 cm, 2020
Simulation 25, oil on canvas, 60x60 cm, 2020
Simulation 26, oil on canvas, 60x60 cm, 2020
Simulation is a set of paintings in which each painting represents a stylized head, which may evoke a robot, a cybernetic being or another unknown entity. These heads are depicted in a wide range of forms in each work, from concrete, clearly recognizable forms to abstract ones. The varying degrees of anthropomorphism raise questions about what makes a head a head, and whether we run into linguistic limitations when trying to accurately name what we see. The images may lead us to speculate whether new forms of existence may one day achieve consciousness of their own.
Simulation je soubor maleb, v němž každý obraz ztvárňuje stylizovanou hlavu, která může evokovat robota, kybernetickou bytost nebo jinou neznámou entitu. Tyto hlavy jsou v jednotlivých dílech zachyceny v širokém spektru podob — od konkrétních, jasně rozpoznatelných forem až po abstraktní. Různorodé stupně antropomorfismu vyvolávají otázky o tom, co dělá hlavu hlavou a zda nenarážíme na jazyková omezení při snaze o přesné pojmenování toho, co vidíme. Obrazy nás mohou směřovat ke spekulacím o tom, zda mohou jednoho dne nové formy existence dosáhnout vlastního vědomí.